Regular priced badges are available to purchase between:
January 16 - March 26, 2019
Regular priced badges are available to purchase between:
January 16 - March 26, 2019

March 29 & 30
Downtown Convention Center
Lafayette Louisiana
SoBo is a weekend-long event that will introduce gamers of all levels to an expertly curated selection of the most fun and interesting board games ever created.
During the two days of open play, gamers from across the Gulf Coast will have full access to the festival's library of over 300+ unique board games. From the best indie board games Kickstarted this year, to the flagship releases from the largest publishers in the world, we have something for everyone!
Game Gurus will be available for recommendations on what games, and to assist with teaching most games. With tournaments, giveaways, special industry guests, and tons of other game related events, this is not your typical game night!
-Must be 12 years or older to attend.
-Badge sales will open on October 1
-Badge sales will close on Tuesday, March 25th
Here are just a few of the awesome board games that will be available for you and your friends to play!


Southern Board Game Festival 2025 benefits New Hope Community Development of Acadiana who's mission is to help children escape generational poverty through the building of relational networks with admiring adults.